Friday, 14 November 2014

Life in the Shoes of a Teacher

For my work experience I decided to work in a school as an art assistant for two weeks. I chose to work in my old school, Mayflower High School, and observed year 7-13 teaching methods.
Quite a lot happened within these two weeks where i would soon to come across an amazing art department, sweet children and some not so sweet children.

For the first week I observed all the teachers and their methods of controlling and keeping order with quite different tactics. I was able to help out students who needed it and able to see their skill work. As the years go up, the children become less needy ad more independent which was nice to observe but repetitive when looking in on example, year 10's each day.

The second week I was able to take charge on some of the lessons with the guidance of the teachers which were quite successful. Where i had been there a week I was starting to get recognised by students who became more comfortable around me and I was able to have educational chats with them and their work.

Teaching the 6th Formers was a pleasure as they were all so kind and took in information well. I was able to teach some 6th Formers on how to use photoshop and helped out with some photography. I also gave them a presentation about University life, information about my course and other courses available at Brighton University. I showed them my work as an artist and everyone seem to be pleased with it. It was nice getting feed back from people who I do not know.

As a student whom is rather clumsy and prone to accidents it was quite a challenge for me to 'keep my cool' when I would bash into things and drop everything, but I managed to remain professional through out. There was a couple of students who were a bit cocky towards me and I had to remain calm and let them know the authority I have over them without using inappropriate language.

Within the two weeks I worked there I gained a lot more than expected. Knowledge and experience is the obvious two but I also gained confidence, taking the lead and maturity. Being a teacher may have it's ups and downs but it takes courage to be a teacher, and a new earned respect for them has developed each day I sent with them. They teach the next generation that will be leading the world, they determine a child's future, they have a massive impact in many peoples lives and I would love to go back to Mayflower and help out these amazing people.

Here's me taking a selfie on my first day of work...

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